Do Property Managers Pay for Repairs in San Francisco, CA?

Do Property Managers Pay for Repairs in San Francisco, CA?

California codes define landlord obligations to make and keep a rental property in habitable condition. Landlords who ignore this responsibility can be taken to court by tenants and fined. In serious circumstances, landlords could end up in jail.

Staying on top of maintenance and repairs can keep your property livable and mitigate these risks. If you don't have time to handle these tasks, hire a rental property management company that can.

Who pays for regular maintenance and repairs? You or the property manager? Keep reading to find out.

Do Property Management Companies Pay for Repairs?

The short answer is no, property managers don't pay for repairs. The rental property owner is responsible for funding repairs and maintenance costs.

Hiring rental property management is still beneficial to owners because they can handle the maintenance and repair process for you.

The money you use to hire them will cover repairs, or the property management company will require you to set up a reserve fund to allocate for these costs. As maintenance issues arise, a manager will use these funds to hire contractors.

The amount you should put in a reserve fund will vary depending on how many units you own and the overall size of the property. The amount needed for the fund should be stated in your agreement when you hire a property manager.

As the money is spent, you can replenish the reserve fund with rental income when tenants pay rent each month.

Who Makes Rental Property Repairs?

Landlord duties involve keeping the property in livable condition for tenants. This includes regular maintenance and making repairs when needed. However, you don't have to handle these repairs on your own.

When you hire a property manager, they will handle the maintenance process from start to finish as long as the reserve funds are available to them.

Rental property management company duties will include finding reliable repair contractors for your property. Most property managers have a list of contacts they've worked with in the past and can recommend reputable contractors.

As the owner, you can weigh in on contractor hires if you want to. For instance, if you've worked with a rental property repairs contractor in the past that you like, give their name to the property manager.

In contrast, you can also tell your property manager the contractors you want to avoid hiring because of bad past experiences.

Start Benefitting From Rental Property Management Today

There are many benefits of working with a rental property management company, including outsourcing maintenance and repairs.

As the rental property owner, you are responsible for paying for repairs, but the property manager can handle everything else. Property managers help ensure that you stay compliant by creating a livable environment.

Don't wait any longer to work with us. At PMI San Francisco, we offer full-service property management services that can help owners who might not be the best landlords.

With over two decades of experience, we are equipped to handle your property needs. Contact us today to get started.
